Voting and Annual General Meeting

Community Voting
Each year, SRA conducts a voting process during which community members are asked to approve the proposed budget, elect new Board members, and accept or reject Board and member-sponsored Resolutions. Voter Pamphlets are sent out 30 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting and votes can be cast electronically or by mail-in ballot. Results are announced at the Annual General Meeting.

Resolutions proposing amendments to the CC&Rs can be brought forward for a community vote by the SRA Board or by community members. Approval requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Semiahmoo Resort Association takes place each year in late October. During this meeting, community members hear reports from the Board and Committee Chairs, the proposed budget is presented, voting results are announced, and there is an open forum discussion. The meeting is recorded and can be viewed on the SRA YouTube channel.