Governance Committee
The Governance Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its duty to provide clear, concise, and consistent governing documentation that ensures proper legal administration and effective community management.

Committee Charter
The Governance Committee charter outlines the purpose and mission of the Committee, establishes responsibilities and deliverables, and discusses membership and process.

Meeting Minutes
The Governance Committee typically meets at least quarterly. Meeting notices are announced in advance on the SRA website and community members are welcome to attend the meetings. Written Minutes of these meetings are published and posted on the website.
CC&R Spotlight: Tree Removal
CC&R Spotlight: Community Rules
CC&R Spotlight: Parking
Reach out to SRA staff or the SRA Board Vice President, who chairs the Committee, and let them know you are interested. A staff member will get you an application. If there is an open position and mutual interest, you will be nominated for membership and appointed by a vote of the Board.